It is a period of the year, much anticipated within the singular community. This is the ultimate gathering of the believers. A time of bonding built on common ground and a celebration through joyous brotherhood.
Is it the Christmas Season? Very close.
Is it a Fiesta? Sort of. Very festive. Friendly atmosphere.
Is it a Reunion? You can consider it as one. Seeing good friends again.
I started making this annual pilgrim way back a decade ago. Really can’t explain the force that’s pulling me to be there year after year. There was even a time that this celebration coincided exactly with my birthday and that really started my special day right. So will I be there three weeks from now…..d e f i n i t e l y ! See you December 10 Volkspeeps!
A preview of the VW pilgrimage....from previous gathering of the believers.
Erwin, Cool pix man. Circa 2004? 2003?
Dennis,salamat man. The pics from 2004, except the last one from 2005. I have pics of your car on the grass area, from last years gathering!
See ya sa show men!
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