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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Printed Memories

Lithograph tin toys are always charming at least from my points of view. I remember during my childhood having a cowboy figure with his horse, key wind-up toy. When I first saw it in action, it really got me amused that it does move. So too did a lithograph tin car running on batteries, the bump n’ go variety, which I had fond memories of it.

Lithograph printed tin model cars are now sought after by collectors. It goes without saying this toy variety is very rare nowadays. Although most of what I do collect, are Porsche and VW diecast model cars, I keep my eyes open on these treasures. Once in a while I get to chance upon tin toys and I snapped them without much thought. Definitely their ‘days-gone’ charm is something I can’t resist.

My keyed-up T2 Bus….
Wind ‘em up VW, bobbing as it goes along….


camille106 said...

i liked it...
where did you brought it?

komenda said...

thanks :-)
I got it from a flea market for a song. I was even surprised to see it at this good condition.