Rain showers are sometimes viewed as blessings from above. And judging by how much downpour Sunday got, it must have been overflowing with blessings. It was the perfect British weather for a Vdub meet, but the only problem is that this is the Tropics. The event shaped out to be a first for everything, partly due to the grey skies.
First time that the annual VWday, wasn’t held on the first Sunday of December, thus re-shaping local Vdub history. First time for me to experience, a much damped VWday, but nevertheless it was a soaking success. First time that I wasn’t able to capture at least ten images of the gathering, as my camera isn’t waterproof and so was I. First time to get a prize from this event. I didn’t join that day’s competition, but this is where I got to claim my prize from Ms. Joana, and from a previous “just for fun” VW toy contest. Surely the rains have brought blessings.
Seems as though, the Vdubs are raining down on my umbrella!

My favorite “take home” is this shirt I got! Hope Dopebeat Derrick wouldn’t mind me wearing this.

Thanks Ramjo, this Dandy VW Bus will put a smile on me and always remind me of VWday 2006.

Erwin, I luv the shirt. "Taking the politics out" I'm sorry that I couldn't stay and chat but I had a fantastic wet and wild VW day. I heard from Gilbert that you got some tasty little buggers. I luv the surfvan, please post some of your more "interesting" finds.
I had fun too, Dens. Made my bday self-gift extended, and hauled some goodies.
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